Writing the code for PCA
Principal Component Analysis
In this post, we will extend what we did in the previous PCA tutorial by doing it from scratch in R. We will be focusing on Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), which is a tool for matrix factorization. SVD states that any matrix $M\in A^{m\times n} $ can be decomposed into the following:
\[M = U\Sigma V^{T}\]where $U$ is an $m\times m$ unitary matrix, $\Sigma$ is a diagonal $m\times n$ matrix with non-negative real numbers on the diagonal, and $V$ is an $n\times n$ unitary matrix. If $M$ is real, then $U$ and $V$ are orthogonal matrices, or uncorrelated. $U$ and $V$ are equal to the eigenvectors of $MM^{t}$ and $M^{t}M$, respectively. The entries in $\Sigma$ are singular values of $M$. The number of non-zero singular values is equal to the rank of $M$ . If you recall, the rank of a matrix is defined as the maximum number of linearly independent columns in the matrix. As it relates to PCA, these are the number of Principal Components.
Covariance matrix
Performing SVD on the covariance matrix of $M$ is essentially PCA. We will be using the Iris data set.
D <- data.matrix(iris[,c(1:4)]) #Here we are only taking the first four columns as the last one is categorical data.
The covariance is defined as follows:
\[cov_{x,y} =\frac{\Sigma(x_{i}-\overline{x})(y_{i}-\overline{y})}{N-1}\]First, we will center our data by subtracting each value by the of their respective column.
xcenter = colMeans(D) #Find the mean of the column
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
## 5.843333 3.057333 3.758000 1.199333
D_centered <- D - rep(xcenter, rep.int(nrow(D), ncol(D)))
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
## [1,] -0.7433333 0.44266667 -2.358 -0.9993333
## [2,] -0.9433333 -0.05733333 -2.358 -0.9993333
## [3,] -1.1433333 0.14266667 -2.458 -0.9993333
## [4,] -1.2433333 0.04266667 -2.258 -0.9993333
## [5,] -0.8433333 0.54266667 -2.358 -0.9993333
## [6,] -0.4433333 0.84266667 -2.058 -0.7993333
We will multiply the transposed form of our matrix by our matrix
followed dividing by $N-1$
, where N is number of rows. We will compare this to the R function
covariance = t(D_centered) %*% (D_centered)
covariance = covariance / (dim(D_centered)[1] - 1)
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
## Sepal.Length 0.6856935 -0.0424340 1.2743154 0.5162707
## Sepal.Width -0.0424340 0.1899794 -0.3296564 -0.1216394
## Petal.Length 1.2743154 -0.3296564 3.1162779 1.2956094
## Petal.Width 0.5162707 -0.1216394 1.2956094 0.5810063
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
## Sepal.Length 0.6856935 -0.0424340 1.2743154 0.5162707
## Sepal.Width -0.0424340 0.1899794 -0.3296564 -0.1216394
## Petal.Length 1.2743154 -0.3296564 3.1162779 1.2956094
## Petal.Width 0.5162707 -0.1216394 1.2956094 0.5810063
cat('\n Are the values the same:', all(round(cov(D_centered) - covariance, 3) == 0))
## Are the values the same: TRUE
Next, we will solve for $MM^{t}$ and $M^{t}M$ to find $U$ and $V$.
MTM <- t(covariance) %*% covariance
MTM.e <- eigen(MTM)
V <- MTM.e$vectors.
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.36138659 -0.65658877 -0.58202985 0.3154872
## [2,] -0.08452251 -0.73016143 0.59791083 -0.3197231
## [3,] 0.85667061 0.17337266 0.07623608 -0.4798390
## [4,] 0.35828920 0.07548102 0.54583143 0.7536574
MMT <- covariance %*% t(covariance)
MMT.e <- eigen(MMT)
U <- MMT.e$vectors.
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.36138659 -0.65658877 -0.58202985 0.3154872
## [2,] -0.08452251 -0.73016143 0.59791083 -0.3197231
## [3,] 0.85667061 0.17337266 0.07623608 -0.4798390
## [4,] 0.35828920 0.07548102 0.54583143 0.7536574
Note that here we find that $U$ and $V$ are equivalent. This is a special case because we are using the covariance matrix. Now we find the singular values $\Sigma$, which are the square roots of the non-zero eigenvalues of $MM^{t}$ and $M^{t}M$.
sigma <- sqrt(MMT.e$values)
sigma <- sigma * diag(length(sigma))
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 4.228242 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00000000
## [2,] 0.000000 0.2426707 0.0000000 0.00000000
## [3,] 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0782095 0.00000000
## [4,] 0.000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.02383509
Singular Value Decomposition
Now recall the equation for SVD.
\[M = U\Sigma V^{T}\]Now that, we have the decomposed values, we can recompose them using matrix multiplication to recover our covariance matrix of the Iris data set.
M <- U %*% sigma %*% t(V).
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.6856935 -0.0424340 1.2743154 0.5162707
## [2,] -0.0424340 0.1899794 -0.3296564 -0.1216394
## [3,] 1.2743154 -0.3296564 3.1162779 1.2956094
## [4,] 0.5162707 -0.1216394 1.2956094 0.5810063
## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
## Sepal.Length 0.6856935 -0.0424340 1.2743154 0.5162707
## Sepal.Width -0.0424340 0.1899794 -0.3296564 -0.1216394
## Petal.Length 1.2743154 -0.3296564 3.1162779 1.2956094
## Petal.Width 0.5162707 -0.1216394 1.2956094 0.5810063
cat('\n Are the values the same:', all(round(M - covariance, 3) == 0))
## Are the values the same: TRUE
PCA is an orthogonal projection. To generate, we project our
matrix using the rotation matrix V
pc <- D_centered %*% V
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] -2.684126 -0.3193972 -0.02791483 0.002262437
## [2,] -2.714142 0.1770012 -0.21046427 0.099026550
## [3,] -2.888991 0.1449494 0.01790026 0.019968390
## [4,] -2.745343 0.3182990 0.03155937 -0.075575817
## [5,] -2.728717 -0.3267545 0.09007924 -0.061258593
## [6,] -2.280860 -0.7413304 0.16867766 -0.024200858
Comparing to prcomp()
pca_prcomp <- prcomp(D_centered, center = F)
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
## [1,] -2.684126 -0.3193972 0.02791483 0.002262437
## [2,] -2.714142 0.1770012 0.21046427 0.099026550
## [3,] -2.888991 0.1449494 -0.01790026 0.019968390
## [4,] -2.745343 0.3182990 -0.03155937 -0.075575817
## [5,] -2.728717 -0.3267545 -0.09007924 -0.061258593
## [6,] -2.280860 -0.7413304 -0.16867766 -0.024200858
cat('\n Comparing our calculations to the R function prcomp:\n\n')
## Comparing our calculations to the R function prcomp:
cat('\n Do we get the same rotation matrix:', all(round(pca_prcomp$rotation - V, 3) == 0))
## Do we get the same rotation matrix: FALSE
cat('\n Are the principal components the same:', all(round(pca_prcomp$x - pc, 3) == 0))
## Are the principal components the same: FALSE
It looks like something is wrong with our. Upon closer inspection, it appears the third column has the opposite sign, which is a multiple of $-1$. Recall that $Au =\lambda u$, where $A$ is a vector, $u$ is the eigenvector, and $lambda$ is the eigenvalue.
If $Au =\lambda u$, then $A(ku) = Akv = k\lambda u =\lambda (ku)$. Therefore, any multiple of $u$ is also an eigenvector of $A$.
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,] 0.36138659 -0.65658877 -0.58202985 0.3154872
## [2,] -0.08452251 -0.73016143 0.59791083 -0.3197231
## [3,] 0.85667061 0.17337266 0.07623608 -0.4798390
## [4,] 0.35828920 0.07548102 0.54583143 0.7536574
## PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4
## Sepal.Length 0.36138659 -0.65658877 0.58202985 0.3154872
## Sepal.Width -0.08452251 -0.73016143 -0.59791083 -0.3197231
## Petal.Length 0.85667061 0.17337266 -0.07623608 -0.4798390
## Petal.Width 0.35828920 0.07548102 -0.54583143 0.7536574
V[,3] <- -V[,3]
pc[,3] <- -pc[,3]
cat('\n Comparing our calculations to the R function prcomp:\n\n')
## Comparing our calculations to the R function prcomp:
cat('\n Do we get the same rotation matrix:', all(round(pca_prcomp$rotation - V, 3) == 0))
## Do we get the same rotation matrix: TRUE
cat('\n Are the principal components the same:', all(round(pca_prcomp$x - pc, 3) == 0))
## Are the principal components the same: TRUE