Useful Websites
Here are some useful websites that I have found in the past
Jekyll Now: Jekyll Now makes it easier to create your Jekyll blog, by eliminating a lot of the up front setup.
DNA CONFESSES DATA SPEAKS: computational biologist working on genomics, epigenomics and transcriptomics
Dave Tang’s Blog: computational biologist who is interested in genomics & machine learning
Tim Stuart: postdoc in the Satija lab at the New York Genome Center. develops computational and experimental methods for single cell biology, with a focus on integrative multi-modal assays and analysis methods.
Undergrad in the Lab: Tips, tricks, and strategies to get the most out of your undergraduate research experience #UndergradInTheLab
Matt Might: is really just a collection of short articles
Matthew Young: Things I’m trying to understand. Mostly maths, programming and science.
CMDLineTips: Python and R Tips.
fiveMinuteStats: Learn statistics in R
Deeo Learning: The Deep Learning textbook is a resource intended to help students and practitioners enter the field of machine learning in general and deep learning in particular
Another Book on Data Science: There has been considerable debate over choosing R vs. Python for Data Science. Based on my limited knowledge/experience, both R and Python are great languages and are worth learning; so why not learn them together?
R Graphics Cookbook, 2nd edition: R Graphics Cookbook, a practical guide that provides more than 150 recipes to help you generate high-quality graphs quickly, without having to comb through all the details of R’s graphing systems.
Statistical Methods for High Dimensional Biology:
Data Analysis for the Life Sciences” by Rafael Irizarry and Michael Love:
Computational Genomics with R:
Greenleaf Lab: (sc)ATAC-seq packages and scripts from the Greenleaf LAb
Pe’er Lab: code and scripts from the Dana Pe’er Lab
Machine Learning & Deep Learning Tutorials: This repository contains a topic-wise curated list of Machine Learning and Deep Learning tutorials, articles and other resources.
Research Culture: Actionable recommendations from trainees to improve science training
Five tips for boosting diversity on campus
Writing the perfect recommendation letter
Academic Career Readiness Assessment (ACRA)
Mentoring Plans for Postdoctoral Scholars
Writing a K99/R00 Grant ·
Research Culture: Why scientific societies should involve more early-career researchers